Showing posts with label Crime. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crime. Show all posts

Monday, January 4, 2016

Pictionary Dictionary - Crime / La Delincuencia

1 Vandalism - Vandalismo

2 Gang Violence - Pandillismo

3 Drunk Driving - Manejar Ebrio

4 Illegal Drugs - Drogas Ilegales

5 Mugging - Ataque

6 Burglary - Robo

7 Assault - Asalto 

8 Murder - Asesinato

9 Gun - Pistola 

Monday, May 5, 2014

Bulgaria profile (BBC)

Map of Bulgaria 

Bulgaria, situated in the eastern Balkans, has been undergoing a slow and painful transition to a market economy since the end of Communist rule.

A predominantly Slavic-speaking, Orthodox Christian country, Bulgaria was the birthplace of the Cyrillic alphabet, which was created there towards the end of the 9th century AD.

It was long influenced by Byzantine culture then was part of the Ottoman Empire for 500 years before gaining its independence in the 19th century.

After World War II it became a satellite of the Soviet Union, but is now a member country of the EU and NATO.

Its transition to democracy and a market economy after the collapse of communism has not been easy and the country is striving to boost low standards of living. 

Rose picker 
Bulgaria is a major grower of roses which produce rose oil, used in perfumes.

At a glance

  • Politics: Inconclusive elections in May 2013 resulted in the formation of a government of technocrats
  • Economy: Bulgaria is one of the EU's poorest countries. Organised crime and corruption have deterred investors and hindered growth
  • International: Bulgaria joined Nato in 2004 and the EU in 2007. It is not part of the EU's passport-free Schengen zone
Country profiles compiled by BBC Monitoring

Throughout the early 1990s Bulgaria was wracked by political instability and strikes. The former communists were a powerful influence. Although the end of the decade was more stable, there was little tangible progress with economic reform.

Under Bulgaria's former king, Simeon II, who was prime minister between 2001 and 2005, the country pressed ahead with market reforms designed to meet EU economic targets. 

It achieved growth, saw unemployment fall from highs of nearly 20% and inflation come under control, but incomes and living standards remained low.
EU membership

Bulgaria was not among the countries invited to join the EU in 2004. However, it signed an EU accession treaty in April 2005 and joined in January 2007.

EU officials set tough entry requirements, reflecting their concerns about corruption and organised crime. After a series of reports found that the Bulgarian government had failed to tackle these issues effectively, the EU announced in July 2008 that it was suspending aid worth hundreds of millions of euros.

In September 2010, the EU again called on Bulgaria to take urgent action to tackle crime and corruption, and later in the year France and Germany announced that they would block Bulgaria from joining the Schengen passport-free zone until the country had made "irreversible progress" in this area.

Another cause of friction has been the Kozloduy nuclear power plant, which supplies over a third of Bulgaria's electricity.

Amid concerns over the safety of communist-era nuclear facilities, four of Kozloduy's six reactors were shut down as a price for Bulgaria's EU membership, two of them closing just minutes before the country joined the EU.

In a bid to offset the loss of production at Kozloduy and restore its position as a major power exporter in the Balkans, Bulgaria revived plans for a second nuclear power plant, though these were later put on hold.

Bulgaria is also involved in two rival gas pipeline projects: Russia's South Stream pipeline and the EU-backed Nabucco pipeline.
Political crisis

Spiralling utilities bills brought down the conservative government of Boiko Borisov in February 2013. Widespread public perception that high fuel costs were the direct result of a too-cosy relationship between the government and foreign-owned privatised monopolies sparked violent protests.

Although Mr Borisov's GERB party won the most seats in the election in May, it failed to achieve a majority and a government of technocrats backed by the Socialists was subsequently formed. However, the protests against official corruption that toppled the Borisov government appeared to intensify under the new government led by Plamen Oresharski.

Picture of the Church of The Birth of Holy Mother (1834-1837) in Rila Monastery, about 120km south of the capital Sofia. Founded in the 10th century, Rila Monastery is seen as one of Bulgaria's most important historic monuments

Friday, February 15, 2013

French News Vocabulary ~ Le vocabulaire de l'actualité

The French you learn in classes and grammar books is not always enough when dealing with the real world. This list of French vocabulary related to current events will help you understand news in French.

à la une
   on the front page
les achats de précaution
   panic buying
l'actualité, les actualités
(adj)   panic-stricken
(adj)   alleged
un appel
   appeal, call
une arme
   weapon, gun
une arme blanche
les armes de destruction massive

   weapons of mass destruction
   to murder
un attentat
un attentat-suicide
   suicide bombing

la banlieue
un bilan
   appraisal, assessment, death toll
(adj)   injured, wounded
une bombe

la canicule
   heat wave
un cas de force majeure
   disaster (natural or man-made)
les Casques bleus
   UN peacekeeping forces
un casseur
une catastrophe aérienne
   air disaster
une catastrophe écologique
   environmental disaster
une catastrophe naturelle
   natural disaster
un cessez-le-feu
le chômage
un collecte au profit des sinistrés
   disaster fund
une coupure de courant
   power outage
le crime
un criminel, une criminelle
une crise
un cyclone
   cyclone, hurricane

des dégâts
le deuil
   bereavement, mourning
un désastre financier
   financial disaster
un désastre politique
   political disaster
les drogues
(fem)   drugs

un éboulement
une élection
une émeute
une enquête
une épidémie
   to extradite

un feu
un flic
(informal)   cop

la garde à vue
   police custody
   être mis/placé en garde à vue   to be kept in custody, held for questioning
le gaz lacrymogène
   tear gas
un glissement de terrain
une grève (faire la grève)
   strike (to be on strike)
la guerre
la grippe aviaire
   bird flu
la grippe porcine
   swine flu

   (more synonyms for French and France)

un immigrant, un immigré
les impôts
(masc)   taxes
un incendie
une inondation
   to flood
un insurgé
des intempéries
   bad weather
   (French acronyms and abbreviations)

le kamikaze
   suicide bomber

la loi
la lutte
(literal/figurative)   struggle, fight

une manifestation
le meurtre
la mondialisation

une navette spatiale
   space shuttle

un obus
   explosive shell
opération escargot
   rolling blockade
un ouragan

une panne d'électricité
   blackout, power cut
la peine de mort
   death penalty
la pénurie
   shortage, lack
la police
un policier
   police officer
la politique
   politics, policy
le politique
poursuivre en justice
   to sue
le pouvoir d'achat
   buying power
(adj)   alleged
un procès

le rechauffement de la planète
   global warming
la région sinistrée
   disaster area
une réplique
   after-shock, counter-attack
la retraite

un scrutin
   ballot, election
un séisme
   earthquake, upheaval
(prep)   according to
un sinistré, une sinistrée
   disaster victim
un soldat
un sondage
le suicide assisté
   assisted suicide
un syndicat
le système de santé publique
   health care system

un témoin
une tempête
le terrorisme
tirer (sur)
   to shoot (at)
les titres
   headlines, headline news
une tornade
les transports en commun
   public transit
un tremblement de terre
une trêve
   to kill

un vaccin
une victime
   (Note that this word is always feminine, even when referring to a man)
   to vote

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