Showing posts with label Face. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Face. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Relaxation technique 3: Body scan meditation for stress relief


A body scan is similar to progressive muscle relaxation except, instead of tensing and relaxing muscles, you simply focus on the sensations in each part of your body.

Practicing body scan meditation

  • Lie on your back, legs uncrossed, arms relaxed at your sides, eyes open or closed. Focus on your breathing , allowing your stomach to rise as you inhale and fall as you exhale. Breathe deeply for about two minutes, until you start to feel comfortable and relaxed.
  • Turn your focus to the toes of your right foot. Notice any sensations you feel while continuing to also focus on your breathing. Imagine each deep breath flowing to your toes. Remain focused on this area for one to two minutes.
  • Move your focus to the sole of your right foot. Tune in to any sensations you feel in that part of your body and imagine each breath flowing from the sole of your foot. After one or two minutes, move your focus to your right ankle and repeat. Move to your calf, knee, thigh, hip, and then repeat the sequence for your left leg. From there, move up the torso, through the lower back and abdomen, the upper back and chest, and the shoulders. Pay close attention to any area of the body that causes you pain or discomfort.
  • Move your focus to the fingers on your right hand and then move up to the wrist,  forearm, elbow, upper arm, and shoulder. Repeat for your left arm. Then move through the neck and throat, and finally all the regions of your face, the back of the head, and the top of the head. Pay close attention to your jaw, chin, lips, tongue, nose, cheeks, eyes, forehead, temples and scalp. When you reach the very top of your head, let your breath reach out beyond your body and imagine yourself hovering above yourself. 
  • After completing the body scan, relax for a while in silence and stillness, noting how your body feels. Then open your eyes slowly. Take a moment to stretch, if necessary.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

How to Have Good Hygiene (Boys)

Want to know how to keep from being that greasy, smelly guy that nobody likes to be around? Read these tips on how to be hygienic.


1 Shower every day with soap/body wash. Remember to also wash under armpits and feet with soap. It's important to be clean. Always clean your private areas(the hair traps sweat and can stink if not washed regularly).
2 Shampoo and condition hair as needed. Most people have to wash their hair every day to prevent smell and grease. Remember to scrub your scalp and rinse all the product out of your hair until it is "squeaky" clean.
3 Use a lotion to smooth out dry skin.
4 Use cologne or oils to help keep you smelling good through out the day.
5 Make sure to clean and clip your fingernails whenever they start getting white ends. Girls especially will notice if you have long, dirty nails. This counts for toenails, too.
6 Use roll-on, not spray deodorant to prevent armpit odor. Put deodorant on in the morning and after gym class (or any time you get sweaty).
7 Brush your teeth and floss them after every meal, or at least two times a day. They will look much cleaner.
8 Wash your face every day with face cleansers to prevent acne. Wash each morning when you get up and each night before you go to bed.
9 Wear socks when you wear shoes. Each foot sweats a lot during the day, so your shoes will smell pretty bad if you don't wear socks
10 [ Brush or Comb Your Hair|Use a good smelling hair product]. Keep it nice and neat.
11 Wear undershirts to help keep your regular shirt smelling more fresh.
12 Take off your shoes as soon as you get home so they can air out and dry out.
13 Don't wear dirty clothes.
14 You can sometimes wear the same jeans twice. But don't wear the same t-shirt, socks or boxers more than once
15 Its ok if you trim your underarm hair and pubic hair, its cleaner

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