Showing posts with label September. Show all posts
Showing posts with label September. Show all posts

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Benefits of Reading

Benefits of Reading

With the popularity of computers and video games in recent times, habit of reading has taken a backseat. Most parents and children are so occupied in watching movies, television and addicted to computer games that they find little or no time for reading. However those who have developed reading as a hobby are aware of the countless advantages associated with it. Reading broadens the thinking horizon of a person, improves vocabulary and cultivates sensitivity towards people of different cultures.

Benefits associated with reading

1.Exercises your mind.
Reading bends loosens and supple the mind. It helps in keeping the muscles of the brain in good shape.

2.Gives satisfaction

Reading gives immense satisfaction to a person. Nothing can be more satisfying than to sit with your child and read him a story book, or to see him grow with the fairy tales.

3.Expands the imagination

Reading expands the imagination of a person. One becomes more confident, self assured of his ability to understand and appreciate the various aspects of life. The mind is channelized to think about the different aspects and then questions and derives conclusions about them.

4.Enhances the ability to focus

The mind of a reader is more concentrated and focused about various aspects of life. When the mind is focused it has the capability to be more attentive in practical situations of life. As a result the body and mind of such people remain calm; they look at the problem objectively and are better decision makers.

5.Improves knowledge
Reading improves a person’s knowledge about various fields of life. This knowledge base helps a person to make correct decisions in different situations of life.

6.Helps to achieve goals in life

People who develop reading habit since childhood are better able to decide their goals in life. Reading also helps them in achieving these goals because once a person gets in love with books it is easier for him to just switch over from general reading to their course books.

7.Produces efficient orators

Only those who know something of quality can speak and gains respect and recognition from people. People with scarce knowledge about a subject cannot be good orators.

8.Teaches the art of living

Reading biographies of legendary individuals help the reader to learn the art of living.

9.Helps to accept other cultures and religions.

Just having information about other cultures might create misconceptions about their traditions and mythologies. A thorough reading gives clarity about the fundamentals of other religions. This helps the person to accept them in a better and overwhelming manner.

So instead of killing long hours watching television and playing games on computer spend some time in reading so that you not only refresh you mind but also develop a good hobby which you will later on transfer to your children.

Benefits Of Jazz

Benefits of Jazz

Jazz and other forms of instrumental music highly enjoyable and are listened by people all over the world. Observations and some studies display that music is very beneficial to listeners, other than only being enjoyable. Further down are major benefits of jazz.

1. Healing effects

Jazz normally involves music that is composed with the assistance of several instruments like piano, violin, harmonica, guitar and flute among many other instruments. It ought to be noted that music therapy is quite beneficial to patients, particularly those in recovery. In fact, even in the past, music was utilized for enhancing healing.

2. Benefits heart patients

Among the many jazz benefits on our general health is that it assists people with heart problems as well. A study performed on heart patients found that the participants had reduced blood pressure following listening to jazz music. It also assists in normalizing the heartbeat in such patients.

3. Reduces migraines
Individuals suffering from headaches and migraines have been treated with certain kinds of jazz. Aside from preventing migraines, jazz music also lessens the period of a migraine attack. Jazz music is very calming and soothing to the brain.

4. Flexibility
Dancing to some jazz music increases flexibility considerably. Most jazz dancing classes usually start with a short warm-up exercise that comprises of various stretching workouts. The jazz dances usually require dancers to perform moves that require stretching and bending. Dancers therefore enhance their flexibility naturally through simply dancing.

5. Endurance

Engaging in jazz dances regularly enhances endurance significantly. Endurance refers to the capability of muscles to place more effort for long hours without fatigue. In addition, jazz dancing increases stamina and it is also more enjoyable.

Even though jazz music and dance offers various benefits, it is also regarded as boring by many people. Most of these people opt for other kinds of music like techno, which has a faster tempo.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

How to Have Good Hygiene (Boys)

Want to know how to keep from being that greasy, smelly guy that nobody likes to be around? Read these tips on how to be hygienic.


1 Shower every day with soap/body wash. Remember to also wash under armpits and feet with soap. It's important to be clean. Always clean your private areas(the hair traps sweat and can stink if not washed regularly).
2 Shampoo and condition hair as needed. Most people have to wash their hair every day to prevent smell and grease. Remember to scrub your scalp and rinse all the product out of your hair until it is "squeaky" clean.
3 Use a lotion to smooth out dry skin.
4 Use cologne or oils to help keep you smelling good through out the day.
5 Make sure to clean and clip your fingernails whenever they start getting white ends. Girls especially will notice if you have long, dirty nails. This counts for toenails, too.
6 Use roll-on, not spray deodorant to prevent armpit odor. Put deodorant on in the morning and after gym class (or any time you get sweaty).
7 Brush your teeth and floss them after every meal, or at least two times a day. They will look much cleaner.
8 Wash your face every day with face cleansers to prevent acne. Wash each morning when you get up and each night before you go to bed.
9 Wear socks when you wear shoes. Each foot sweats a lot during the day, so your shoes will smell pretty bad if you don't wear socks
10 [ Brush or Comb Your Hair|Use a good smelling hair product]. Keep it nice and neat.
11 Wear undershirts to help keep your regular shirt smelling more fresh.
12 Take off your shoes as soon as you get home so they can air out and dry out.
13 Don't wear dirty clothes.
14 You can sometimes wear the same jeans twice. But don't wear the same t-shirt, socks or boxers more than once
15 Its ok if you trim your underarm hair and pubic hair, its cleaner


5 Ways To Achieve Big Goals

All of us have dreams we’d love to make reality, and stretch goals that we’d love to accomplish. I have a friend who wants to learn how to play piano, proficiently, at the age of 55. Another is just dying to find some time off a grueling schedule to backpack China for a month. These dreams and goals are of course challenging exactly because they are stretches. Our life’s routine, and more tricky, our habits, tend to get in the way of actually achieving them.

Here are five things you can do to actually increase the likelihood of reaching your dreams and stretch goals.

1. Collect, Collect, Collect

You should have a central place where you track and manage those goals you have that are not for today. This can be in a notepad, in an Evernote notebook, or in a project in your ToDo list manager. Are you seeking to enrich yourself and find stretch goals? Look at popular websites like StumbleUpon, Pick the Brain, Guy Finley, Lifehacker, and our own TaskCurrent. When you come across something that inspires you–a goal or dream you wish to implement–make sure to write it down.

2. Out of Sight is Unfortunately Out of Mind

For your dreams and goals to be taken seriously, you must schedule a monthly review of your list. Try and keep the items on your list organized by how badly you really want to do them. Each month weigh the goals. Consider them. You will probably find that many of them are not actually top priority. Those that consistently float to the top of your list are the keepers, and it’s those we want to focus on turning into a reality. Over time, toss the dregs, and start highlighting the cream that’s floating on the top.

3. Make an Actual Plan

After a few months of keeping and reviewing your dream and stretch goal list, sit down with your calendar (and significant other if relevant) and start cobbling together an actual plan. If your dream is travel, set aside a piggy bank for some extra savings, and book time in a year. If you have a stretch goal–i.e., waking up and writing three mornings a week–start thinking about what it will take to actually achieve that goal. Importantly though, pick only one or two items to work on at a time.

4. Automate

To accomplish one of your dreams or stretch goals you’re going to need some help. Once you’ve decided on the item you want to pursue, and sketched a basic plan, use a reminder service like Remember the Milk, or even Google Calendar to keep it front and present. Remmeber, out of sight is out of mind. For fun, you can set a Monkey on Your Back [], which will nudge you until you do it.

5. Get Even More Help

Sometimes you need outside pressure to achieve a goal. Research shows that phone calls from real people are very powerful motivators. Therefore, ask a friend or family member to work with you to actually deliver on your goals. Moreover, ask them to be tough with you – reminding you regularly and pushing you to deliver on the commitments you’ve made to yourself. If you like, ask them if you can put a monkey on their back to help them remember. Most importantly, don’t get annoyed if they’re reminding you to do something that’s hard. That’s what you want!

You can accomplish dreams and stretch goals, but it’s not easy. Remember though, if you will it, it is no dream, and if you do it, then it will happen! The discipline above will help position you to be more successful in pursuing dreams and stretch goals. Let me know how it goes so that I can send a big congratulations to anyone who uses this to make a dream come true.

Aharon Horwitz is the co-Founder of TaskCurrent [], an iPhone/iPad application [] aimed at helping you discover and implmenet actions worth doing from across the web.
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