Learn the French words for colors.
masc sing. |
fem sing. |
masc plural |
fem plural | |
purple | violet | violette | violets | violettes |
blue | bleu | bleue | bleus | bleues |
green | vert | verte | verts | vertes |
yellow | jaune | jaune | jaunes | jaunes |
orange | orange | orange | orange | orange |
red | rouge | rouge | rouges | rouges |
black | noir | noire | noirs | noires |
white | blanc | blanche | blancs | blanches |
grey | gris | grise | gris | grises |
brown | marron | marron | marron | marron |
pink | rose | rose | roses | roses |
light blue | bleu clair | bleu clair | bleu clair | bleu clair |
dark blue | bleu foncé | bleu foncé | bleu foncé | bleu foncé |
The plurals of French colors are pronounced exactly like the singular ones. The
sound files include the pronunciation of the masculine singular/plural
adjective followed by the feminine singular/plural adjective. If there is only
one word pronounced, it is because that color is pronounced exactly the same
whether it is masculine or feminine, singular or plural.
Note that using the modifiers light (clair) or dark (foncé)
makes the color invariable - it does not change to agree in gender or number:
une chemise vert clair - light green shirt
Source: http://french.about.com/library/begin/bl_colors.htm