Showing posts with label Normal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Normal. Show all posts

Monday, August 10, 2015

Excéntrico, ca (Vocabulario)

Excéntrico, ca

  1. adj. Raro, extravagante, fuera de lo normal:
    sombrero excéntrico. También s.
  2. geom. Que está fuera del centro o que tiene un centro diferente:
    círculos excéntricos.


  • raro, extravagante, ridículo, estrafalario, incongruente, maniático, singular, original
    • Antónimos: normal, corriente
  • descentrado, desviado, desplazado

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Selecto, ta (Vocabulario)


  1. adj. Que es o se tiene por mejor entre otras cosas de su especie:
    club,público selecto.
  2. Que tiene capacidad para seleccionar lo mejor:
    posee un gusto selecto.


  • seleccionado, elegido, distinguido, escogido, elegante, excelente, notable, preferido, fino, noble, elite, florido
    • Antónimos: corriente, normal

Popular (Vocabulario)


  1. adj. Del pueblo o relativo a él:
    referéndum popular.
  2. De las clases sociales más bajas o relativo a ellas:
    barrios populares.
  3. Que está al alcance de los menos dotados económica o culturalmente:
    precios populares.
  4. Conocido o querido del público en general:
    es un actor muy popular en su país.
  5. [Forma de cultura] tradicional que el pueblo considera propia:
    cantar popular.


  • folclórico, sencillo, común, habitual, normal
    • Antónimos: escogido, selecto
  • conocido, famoso, divulgado, público, respetado, querido, admirado

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Convencional (Vocabulario)


  1. adj. Que resulta o se establece por convenio o por acuerdo general:
    las señales de tráfico son signos convencionales.
  2. Tradicional:
    tiene una forma de vestir convencional.


  • usual, común, normal, habitual, acostumbrado
    • Antónimos: extraordinario

Monday, October 15, 2012

How is a Collective Paradigm Created?

Take a look around at our world and you will notice something very quickly. We do a lot of things that we never question. It’s as if many of the actions we do are robotic or mechanical. We repeat things that our parents taught us and when we ask them why it’s done they don’t even know. We repeat things we see on TV, learn in books or see in a movie because it all seems so normal. But how did all of this come about? How is it that we are doing things and don’t even know why? I once read this story about an experiment done with monkeys and it accurately depicts what humans have been doing for hundreds of years. I will post it below so you can check it out for yourself.

Mind Paradigm Created


Think about it, doesn’t this sound exactly like what we do here? We do things because of things that may have happened years ago and don’t even apply to us anymore. We never ask or question why it’s like that because we find it easier to be robotic than to think outside the box. Or is it that we have been educated into  not thinking outside of the box? Either way you look at it, I think it’s time we start moving ourselves out of mechanical mode and into free thinking mode.

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