- Non-logical behavior: Superstitions, or rituals which have no meaning, such as pilgrimages, fasting and bathing in rivers, gambling, worship of graves, idols or pictures, and compulsory wearing of the veil for women, are prohibited.
- Material obsession: ("Maya") Accumulation of materials has no meaning in Sikhism. Wealth such as gold, portfolio, stocks, commodities, properties, et cetera, will all be left here on Earth when you depart. Do not get attached to them.
- Sacrifice of creatures: Sati – Widows throwing themselves in the funeral pyre of their husbands, the act of slaughtering lambs and calves to celebrate holy occasions
- Non-family oriented living: A Sikh is encouraged not to live as a recluse, beggar, monk, nun, celibate, or in any similar vein.
- Worthless talk: Bragging, gossip and lying are not permitted.
- Intoxication: The consumption of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, or other intoxicants is prohibited.
- No priestly class: Sikhs do not have to depend on a priest for any of the functions that need to be performed.
- Eating meat killed in a ritualistic manner (Kutha meat): Sikhs are strictly prohibited from eating meat killed in a ritualistic manner (such as halal or kosher, known as Kutha meat[1] ), or any meat where langar is served.[2] In some small Sikh Sects, i.e. Akhand Kirtani Jatha eating any meat is believed to be forbidden, but this is not a universally held belief.[3] The meat eaten by Sikhs is known as Jhatka meat.
- Having premarital or extramarital sexual relations[4][5][6][7]
Showing posts with label Sex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sex. Show all posts
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Sikh philosophy - Prohibited behavior (Wikipedia)
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Libido (Wikipedia)
Libido /lɨˈbiːdoʊ/, and colloquially sex drive, is a person's overall sexual drive or desire for sexual activity. Sex drive is determined by biological, psychological,
and social factors. Biologically, levels of hormones such as
testosterone are believed to affect sex drive; social factors, such as
work and family, also have an impact; as do internal psychological
factors, like personality and stress. Sex drive may be affected by
medical conditions, medications, lifestyle and relationship issues. A
person who has extremely frequent or a suddenly increased sex drive may
be experiencing hypersexuality, or puberty
in which the body builds up chemicals and causes a higher sex drive.
However, there is no universally agreed measure of what is a healthy
level for sex. Asexual people may lack any sexual desires.
A person may have a desire for sex, but not have the opportunity to
act on that desire, or may on personal, moral or religious reasons
refrain from acting on the urge. Psychologically, a person's urge can be
repressed or sublimated.
On the other hand, a person can engage in sexual activity without an
actual desire for it. Multiple factors affect human sex drive, including
stress, illness, pregnancy, and others.[1]
Sexual desires are often an important factor in the formation and maintenance of intimate relationships
in both men and women, and a lack or loss of sexual desire can
adversely affect relationships. Changes in the sexual desires of either
partner in a sexual relationship, if sustained and unresolved, may cause
problems in the relationship. The infidelity
of a partner may be an indication that a partner's changing sexual
desires can no longer be satisfied within the current relationship.
Problems can arise from disparity of sexual desires between partners, or
poor communication between partners of sexual needs and preferences.[2]
Friday, May 31, 2013
The Effects of Masturbation on Testosterone
Masturbation may have
subtle effects on testosterone levels. However, testosterone levels
result from other factors that relate to elements of overall physical
health. The Masturbation Page website indicates that psychological
factors may have significant influence over testosterone levels. For
example, testosterone levels may rise in men who expect sexual activity
or men who expect to be tested for testosterone levels.
Hormonal Cycle
results from masturbating to the point of orgasm. According to a study
published in the "Journal of Zhejiang University," ejaculation may set
off a subtle hormonal cycle. Ejaculation that is followed by 6 days of
abstinence may contribute to peak testosterone levels on the seventh day
of after ejaculation. The Zhejiang University researchers discovered
that abstaining from ejaculation for 6 days after orgasm has little
effect on testosterone levels, but testosterone levels reached
approximately 146 percent on the seventh day.
Rises During Masturbation
July 2010 "Psychology Today" article concedes that testosterone levels
may rise during masturbation. However, the article suggests that
ejaculation does not significantly affect testosterone levels:
testosterone levels may rise slightly during sexual activity, which
includes masturbation, and levels drop back down to normal levels
Rises After Masturbation
to an article on the T Nation website, a 1978 study evaluated
testosterone levels in young men after sexual activity. The results of
the study indicated that testosterone levels were slightly higher in
young men after masturbation.
Lower Testosterone Levels
Ask Men website published an article that advises against frequent
masturbation. According to the article, men who masturbate frequently or
look forward to masturbating alone on a daily basis may be less likely
to engage in sexual activity with a partner. The article suggests that
solo masturbation or masturbating with pornography regularly may reduce
testosterone levels and reduce sexual partner-seeking behavior due to
lower levels of testosterone.
Higher Precursory Steroid
may increase levels of a testosterone precursory steroid. The Gengo
website indicates that testosterone originates from a steroid called
androsteneione, and androstenedione originates from a steroid called 17
alphahydroxypergnenolone. A study published in the "Academia
Scientiarum Bohemoslavaca" evaluated steroid hormone levels in young men
before and after masturbation-provoked ejaculation. The study found
that most circulating steroid levels did not change after ejaculation,
but circulating 17 alphahydroxpregenolone increased significantly. The
publication does not indicate whether higher levels of 17
alphahydroxypregnolone can result in higher testosterone levels.
No Effect
and sexual activity in general may have no significant effect on
testosterone levels. The TeenHealth website notes that semen is not the
primary source of testosterone, which indicates that ejaculation that
occurs with masturbation does not reduce testosterone levels.
Generally, masturbation does not have any negative effects on hormone
levels. TeenHealth suggests that testosterone levels involve several
factors, such as age, time of day and physical activity.
6 Days,
7 Day,
Hormonal Cycle,
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Un día sin fumar: un día para empezar a sanar (vidaysalud.com)
El día 31 de mayo fue seleccionado en 1987 por la Organización
Mundial de la Salud (OMS) como el Día sin Tabaco. Es decir, un día sin
nicotina, y sin humo ni de primera ni de segunda mano contaminando tu
organismo y el aire que respiran los demás. Hoy, 31 de mayo de 2012,
puede ser una excelente oportunidad para que consideres dejar ese hábito
tan perjudicial y des un paso gigante en beneficio de tu salud.
¿Fumas? Quizás has tratado de dejar el cigarrillo, pero la costumbre y
la dependencia son más fuertes que tu voluntad, a pesar de saber cuánto
te perjudica a ti y a los que te rodean. El novelista Mark Twain, (el
autor del clásico “Tom Sawyer”), decía con su característico
sentido del humor: “Dejar de fumar es fácil. Yo lo he hecho cientos de
veces”. Pero el asunto no es una broma. El tabaco es el factor de riesgo
principal de muchísimas enfermedades, y se calcula que es responsable
de la muerte de uno de cada diez adultos en todo el mundo, como lo
indican los datos de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Según el
director general de Salud Pública de los Estados Unidos, dejar de fumar
representa el paso más importante que los fumadores pueden dar para
vivir más tiempo y mejorar la calidad de sus vidas.
Pero a pesar de todo lo que se conoce y se divulga sobre sus
estragos, el tabaquismo sigue siendo muy prevalente. Y eso se debe a la
nicotina de los cigarrillos (es tan adictiva como la cocaína), que es lo
que te provoca el ansia de fumar.
¿Te animas a dar el paso? Quizás te ayude saber que entre las enfermedades que puede causar el tabaco están varios
tipos de cáncer (sobre todo el de los pulmones), condiciones cardíacas,
apoplejías, enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica, enfermedades de
las encías, problemas en el embarazo y problemas de la vista (como las
Cómo dejar de fumar
¿Y cómo lo hago, te preguntarás? No es fácil, pero tampoco imposible.
Algunos fumadores pueden dejar el hábito por su cuenta, pero otros
necesitan ayuda física, mental o ambas, y en muchos casos se requiere
supervisión médica. Para romper el hábito, tu médico puede recomendarte
la terapia de reemplazo de nicotina, en forma de parches, goma de
mascar, tabletas, atomizador nasal o inhalador. También hay medicamentos
que ayudan, disponibles sólo con receta.
Según la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer (American Cancer Society), no existe un método único para dejar de fumar. Pero hay cuatro factores clave para tener éxito:
- Tomar la decisión firme de dejar de fumar.
- Escoger un día para dejar el cigarrillo y no dejarlo “para mañana”.
- Lidiar con los síntomas que se presenten.
- Mantenerte firme en tu decisión.
Pero no te descorazones si fracasas en el primer intento. Muchos ex
fumadores empezaron varias veces hasta tener éxito. Si no lo logras de
momento, vuelve a intentarlo
¿Qué ocurre en tu cuerpo cuando dejas de fumar?
Los beneficios son muchos, tanto a corto como a largo plazo. Fíjate en esta lista y verás lo importante que resulta que dejes de fumar cuanto antes:
- A los 20 minutos, tu presión arterial y tu pulso vuelven a lo normal.
- A las 24 horas, tus pulmones empiezan a limpiarse.
- A los dos días, tu cuerpo está libre de nicotina, y el gusto y el olfato mejoran.
- A los tres días, puedes respirar más fácilmente y tu energía se incrementa.
- De dos a 12 semanas, mejora tu circulación.
- De tres a nueve meses, se mejoran la tos, el jadeo y la respiración.
- Al año, el riesgo de los ataques cardíacos se reduce a la mitad comparado con los fumadores.
- A los 10 años, el riesgo de desarrollar un cáncer del pulmón es la mitad comparado con los fumadores.
Aparte de mejorar tu salud, dejar de fumar tiene otros beneficios:
Mejor sexo. Se mejora la circulación de la sangre en
todo tu cuerpo, lo que aumenta tu sensibilidad. Los hombres que dejan
de fumar tienen mejores erecciones; las mujeres se excitan más
fácilmente y tienen mejores orgasmos.
Mayor fertilidad. Se mejora el revestimiento del
útero en las mujeres y se hace más potente la esperma de los hombres,
por lo que es más fácil lograr un embarazo. También baja la posibilidad
de un aborto espontáneo y aumenta la de dar a luz un bebé saludable.
Piel más joven. Se hace más lento el proceso del
envejecimiento de la piel. Esta recibe más nutrientes, y desaparece el
tono cetrino que a menudo tienen los fumadores.
Dientes más blancos. Tus dientes no se siguen
manchando y tu aliento es más fresco. Se reducen las probabilidades de
enfermedades de las encías y la pérdida de los dientes.
Mejor respiración. Puedes respirar con más facilidad y toserás menos, porque la capacidad de tus pulmones aumenta en un 10% en unos nueve meses.
Una vida más larga. La mitad de los fumadores mueren
a una edad temprana de enfermedades relacionadas con su hábito,
incluyendo problemas cardíacos, cáncer del pulmón y bronquitis crónica. Y
dejar de fumar no sólo te prolonga la vida, sino que, al mejorar tu
salud, te sientes mejor, y tendrás más movilidad y energía en la tercera
Menos estrés. Los estudios han demostrado que los
niveles de estrés descienden cuando la persona deja de fumar, al
contrario de lo que creen muchos fumadores (creen que fumar las “calma
los nervios”). La adicción a la nicotina produce estrés en el período de
tiempo entre un cigarrillo y otro. Además, al mejorar los niveles de
oxígeno en el cuerpo, los ex fumadores se pueden concentrar mejor, lo
que aumenta su bienestar mental.
Gusto y olfato más agudos. A medida que tu cuerpo se
recupera de los químicos tóxicos de los cigarrillos, mejoran
considerablemente tus sentidos del gusto y el olfato.
Más energía. Entre dos y 12 meses después de dejar
de fumar, mejora la circulación. Eso facilita cualquier actividad
física, incluyendo caminar y correr. El aumento del oxígeno en el cuerpo
hace que te canses menos y tengas menos probabilidad de que te duela la
cabeza. También se refuerza el sistema inmunológico, lo que te ayuda a
combatir de manera más eficiente los resfriados y las gripes.
Ahorro de dinero. ¡Piensa sólo en lo que te cuestan los paquetes de cigarrillos!
Lo que te acabo de mencionar ¿te ayuda a dejar de fumar? Si no es
así, hay una cosa igual de importante: el humo de segunda mano es una
amenaza para la salud de tu familia y de tus amigos. Los que están
expuestos a él tienen un mayor riesgo de padecer de cáncer pulmonar, de
enfermedades cardíacas y de apoplejía. Los niños en particular tienen el
doble de riesgo de desarrollar enfermedades pulmonares, como: neumonía,
asma, difteria y bronquitis, además de tener más infecciones en los
oídos. Además, triplican su riesgo de padecer de cáncer pulmonar más
adelante en su vida que los hijos de los que no fuman. Toda la evidencia
está en contra del tabaco que en definitiva, no te aporta nada bueno.
Deja ya de fumar, no sólo por tu salud, sino también por la salud de tus
seres queridos.
Fuente: http://www.vidaysalud.com/daily/vida-saludable/un-dia-sin-fumar-un-dia-para-empezar-a-sanar/
Dejar de Fumar,
Vida Saludable,
Friday, June 15, 2012
Sex Transmutation Q&A 2
Answering more of your questions on practical sex transmutation
Brian wrote to me recently asking me for greater clarity on the practice of Sex Transmutation. (Please refer to my
main article Sex Transmutation: Sexual Energy into Genius if this is your first time at this website.)
Here is Brian's question:
Hey Wily,
I would like for you to give me specifics on using the immense power of sex transmutation. Is it you use sexual fantasy energy built up and then transfer that energy to goals? I need step by step directions without all the disconnects I read about on the internet.
Thank you.
And here is my reply:
Hi Brian,
Thanks so much for your email and questions. It's great to hear from you.
I wrote my article on Sex Transmutation a few years ago, and periodically have responded to questions about Sex Transmutation.
I have been revisiting the subject in my own mind the last week or so.
As part of my research, I bought Dr Charles Runel's 'Practical Application of Integrative Sex Transmutation' which is a 2 CD set on the subject. I am half-way through the course and am finding his thoughts on the subject very interesting. I will report back on that in full when I have listened to both CDs. He is a medical doctor and claims to have been using sex transmutation for about 30 years. So far his techniques seem to centre on preservation of the semen either through chastity (abstinence) or by becoming very masterful at sex so that you don't ejaculate... and then redirecting that sex energy into health and work. For the abstinence part, he tells how at college or Med School he eliminated TV and magazines from his life, would read philosophical type books etc before bed, all to cut down on sexually stimulating images and thoughts. He would also work long hours and pride himself on his levels of productivity. That sort of thing. He seems like a very genuine, humble sort of person genuinely interested in helping people and his CDs ($20) might appeal to you.
From my perspective, sex transmutation takes several forms.
1. Inspiration.
This is where you use your natural sexual desire for someone to inspire
you to be creative. You will
have had experiences of this. You fall for a girl. You can't stop
thinking about her. You start dating. And because you are in love and
with her, you start thinking up things you can do to a) impress her
b) please her and make her happy c) make her like you. It's kind of a
natural thing. You are much more creative in this state than you
are normally. It's because your energy, hopes, desires and expectations
all keyed-up with the excitement and all the hormones and
'feel-good' chemicals flooding your body.
How can you use this? Well, if you are in that stage, you can make the most of it by trying to be even more creative. Really push the boat out. Try your hand at writing love letters, poems or songs. If that's not your thing, maybe coming up with elaborate, unforgettable dates. What about practical, profitable uses? Can you be a 'champion' in your profession? Can you let that love/lust drive you to be the best at what you do... in her honor? Can you create a new product and dedicate it to her? What you are trying to do is use the hook (the girl) to feed into your profession and inspire you to greater deeds.
What if there isn't a particular girl that is inspiring you, or you are married and your relationship is a little flat?
What turns you on? You can fantasize or look at nude pics and allow yourself to get inspired by the images you are playing with or looking at. Focus in on what turns you on and start to vocalize or write down what it is that you like. At first you are going to be a bit of a caveman and your description will be just vulgar porno talk... but let it grow from there until you are really getting into what turns you on, like the particular curve of the breast, or the smooth hollow below or beside her hip, or the tautness of her abdomen. For me, I try and write poetry to describe the intensity and beauty of what I am thinking about. I let the 'charge' empower me and empower my writing. I'm using it to lift me up into a higher state, into a more potent form of communication.
The essence of sex transmutation is to get the energy up, and then focus it in on what you want to focus on... as though you are making love/having sex through that. So when I write poetry, my words are sex. I am having sex in the words.
Thanks so much for your email and questions. It's great to hear from you.
I wrote my article on Sex Transmutation a few years ago, and periodically have responded to questions about Sex Transmutation.
I have been revisiting the subject in my own mind the last week or so.
As part of my research, I bought Dr Charles Runel's 'Practical Application of Integrative Sex Transmutation' which is a 2 CD set on the subject. I am half-way through the course and am finding his thoughts on the subject very interesting. I will report back on that in full when I have listened to both CDs. He is a medical doctor and claims to have been using sex transmutation for about 30 years. So far his techniques seem to centre on preservation of the semen either through chastity (abstinence) or by becoming very masterful at sex so that you don't ejaculate... and then redirecting that sex energy into health and work. For the abstinence part, he tells how at college or Med School he eliminated TV and magazines from his life, would read philosophical type books etc before bed, all to cut down on sexually stimulating images and thoughts. He would also work long hours and pride himself on his levels of productivity. That sort of thing. He seems like a very genuine, humble sort of person genuinely interested in helping people and his CDs ($20) might appeal to you.
From my perspective, sex transmutation takes several forms.
How can you use this? Well, if you are in that stage, you can make the most of it by trying to be even more creative. Really push the boat out. Try your hand at writing love letters, poems or songs. If that's not your thing, maybe coming up with elaborate, unforgettable dates. What about practical, profitable uses? Can you be a 'champion' in your profession? Can you let that love/lust drive you to be the best at what you do... in her honor? Can you create a new product and dedicate it to her? What you are trying to do is use the hook (the girl) to feed into your profession and inspire you to greater deeds.
What if there isn't a particular girl that is inspiring you, or you are married and your relationship is a little flat?
What turns you on? You can fantasize or look at nude pics and allow yourself to get inspired by the images you are playing with or looking at. Focus in on what turns you on and start to vocalize or write down what it is that you like. At first you are going to be a bit of a caveman and your description will be just vulgar porno talk... but let it grow from there until you are really getting into what turns you on, like the particular curve of the breast, or the smooth hollow below or beside her hip, or the tautness of her abdomen. For me, I try and write poetry to describe the intensity and beauty of what I am thinking about. I let the 'charge' empower me and empower my writing. I'm using it to lift me up into a higher state, into a more potent form of communication.
The essence of sex transmutation is to get the energy up, and then focus it in on what you want to focus on... as though you are making love/having sex through that. So when I write poetry, my words are sex. I am having sex in the words.
Sex transmutation is the art of getting 'turned-on' and sustaining that heightened state of mind, body and spirit in all that we do. The art is in directing and managing the energy intelligently so that it can create something. Nature's will for sex is creativity... whether of new babies or new ideas. Sex must create. |
Wily Walnut |
The creative act is to transpose the idea of sex on to your particular project. The idea being that you take the role of the master pleasure giver (and you get your pleasure from that) just as in the ideal sex you are a master of your sexual energy and can last as long as you like and drive your partner to the heights of ecstacy. In a business situation you are the master pleasure giver and your aim in to drive your clients into ecstacy over your products or services. In art, you are the master pleasure giver in making your picture, sculpture or music something that totally wows your audience and gives them a pleasure rush whenever they experience your work.
You can use this aspect of sex transmutation by idealizing your wife, girlfriend or woman of your desire and seeing them as an embodiment of God, or the Universal Woman. Then all your acts are acts of worship and dedication to them. When you make love, you are actually at worship on the 'prayer mat of the flesh'. So you can play with this idea, and try and dedicate your actions to this idealized spiritual woman or women. In India, they have a system of Yoga (to achieve enlightenment or union with God) called Bhakti Yoga. In this they dedicate everything they do to God with Love, so they do everything with a totally loving attitude as thought they are doing it for God. So if they are washing the floor, in their minds they are washing the floor for God. This transmutes an ordinary situation into a spiritual experience. Can you see how you could do the same thing with sex?
2. Redirection. Napoleon Hill's sex transmutation chapter seems to imply a strong use of willpower to 'channel' sex energy into activity. This reminds me of those old fashioned health books that warned against 'self-abuse' (masturbation) and recommended long walks and cold showers instead! This really is about a deliberate decision to get active and busy and keep pushing into activity rather than to give in to sexual thoughts and indulgence. I've been reading a dog book called, 'Be The Pack Leader' by Cesar Millan from TV's The Dog Whisperer show. He tells how he rehabilitates disturbed dogs with lots of 1) exercise 2) discipline and lastly 3) affection. Dogs have a natural need to channel their energy in purposeful walking. They need the discipline of a strong alpha leader (you, the owner) to be psychologically happy.
I think there are strong parallels with our own biological ancestry needs. In primate groups, it was the alpha male
who got the pick of the females. This would have been the case with
early humans too. Gradually though we
evolved away from pure brute strength alphas. Some of the betas
started sneaking in behind the alpha's back to get some quick action
with a
female. The strategizing required to achieve this helped brains
evolve and we started to get more variety occurring in who could mate
with the
females. The clever ones started
get laid too! It evolved to where the alpha males were not neccessarily
just the strongest but also the cleverest and most
powerful, in terms of being able to get food (or later money), good
territory (property / things), and protection (weapons / leadership).
So, our male biology is prepped with the understanding that the
cleverer we are and the more we accomplish and become powerful, the more
desirable we will be to the opposite sex. And you can see that
demonstrated clearly where 80-year-old billionaires have 25-year-old
babes on
their arm.
So how do you apply this practically?
Really, it's about ramping up your ambition with the understanding that the more you achieve the higher your status. You want to be seen as the silverback of your profession or society.
It is that old bugbear, willpower, discipline. You keep your mind on a tight leash, focussed and purposeful when you are working (with a deep background understanding that it's all about the sex, but that delayed gratification will lead eventualy to greater gratification).
3. Blending. This really refers to what you were talking about with fantasy and goals. Here's how I like to apply it. Let's say that you have a goal to earn an extra $1000 a month. You have some ideas about how you are going to achieve that, or not. But you visualize the goal as achieved. Now, if you are highly motivated by money, it may be enough for you to just visualize having the extra income and what you will do with it. But if you are not especially money minded, you need to add some 'juice' to the visualization. And that's where you can pull some sexual fantasy in. If you already have a partner, you can imagine telling them how you've created this additional $1000 a month, and celebrate it with them. You would see them getting really excited and turned on by what you have done, telling you how pleased and proud they are of you, and then let them reward you by having sex right then and there in whatever ways you want to fantasize (you might even make love in a big pile of money!).
So how do you apply this practically?
Really, it's about ramping up your ambition with the understanding that the more you achieve the higher your status. You want to be seen as the silverback of your profession or society.
It is that old bugbear, willpower, discipline. You keep your mind on a tight leash, focussed and purposeful when you are working (with a deep background understanding that it's all about the sex, but that delayed gratification will lead eventualy to greater gratification).
3. Blending. This really refers to what you were talking about with fantasy and goals. Here's how I like to apply it. Let's say that you have a goal to earn an extra $1000 a month. You have some ideas about how you are going to achieve that, or not. But you visualize the goal as achieved. Now, if you are highly motivated by money, it may be enough for you to just visualize having the extra income and what you will do with it. But if you are not especially money minded, you need to add some 'juice' to the visualization. And that's where you can pull some sexual fantasy in. If you already have a partner, you can imagine telling them how you've created this additional $1000 a month, and celebrate it with them. You would see them getting really excited and turned on by what you have done, telling you how pleased and proud they are of you, and then let them reward you by having sex right then and there in whatever ways you want to fantasize (you might even make love in a big pile of money!).
What this does is tie your goal visualization in with a lot of pleasure,
linking the two up. It gives you extra energy to make the visualization
easier and sustain it longer. It sets up the idea that achievement of
the goal will include all this sex gratification. Now remember, keep
flitting back to the achievement of the goal itself. Don't get lost in
the sex! You will feel horny as you are doing this and will probably get
an erection as you are doing it, but don't start masturbating or seeking
out a chance to have sex to relieve the heat and lust. This energy is
for your goal.
Part of sex transmutation then is to re-jig our priorities and get pleasure from being in a state of desire and from the state of mind that it puts us in. We can delight in our heightened abilities to be creative, productive, funny or insightful.
Okay, I have got to go now Brian. I hope this has given you some additional thoughts on the subject. I am not sure that I have been any clearer than any of the 'disconnects' you refer to out there on the web. It is a complex subject and hard to objectify and make scientific, but definitely worthy of personal experimentation.
Warmest Regards,
Desire Tolerance,
Part 2,
Sex Transmutation
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