Thursday, May 8, 2014

Arquetipo (Vocabulario)


  1. m. Modelo, tipo ideal:
    ella es el arquetipo de la mujer moderna.
  2. Modelo original y primario en un arte u otra cosa:
    Celestina es el arquetipo de la alcahueta.


  • prototipo, modelo, paradigma, ejemplo, ejemplar, dechado, ideal, espejo, molde, matriz, tipo, representante, espécimen

Restaurando tus Chakras

¿Hay resultados positivos al limpiar tus chakras? Sí, los chakras limpios tienen beneficios que incluyen liberarte del estrés, te traen emociones relajantes, mejoran la salud física, y aumentan la concentración y la claridad mental. ¿Cómo puedes saber cuáles de tus chakras son fuertes y cuáles necesitan reparación? Toma nota de las circunstancias de tu vida. Aquí tienes más información sobre cada chakra y las afirmaciones que puedes hacer para reforzarlos.


El Chakra Raíz se relaciona con el dinero y tu carrera y es tu fundamento, tu base. 
Ubicación: Base de la columna vertebral. 
Influencias: Tu carrera, modo de pensar sobre el dinero, y el sentido de pertenencia. 
Energías: La Tierra y tu conexión a ella, concentración y enfoque. 
Arquetipo: Víctima, Buena Madre 
Afirmación: "Siento el apoyo de la Tierra bajo mis pies y soy amado incondicionalmente. Estoy seguro."

El Chakra Sacro se refiere a tu sexualidad y creatividad. 
Ubicación: Parte inferior del abdomen 
Influencias: La sexualidad, la creatividad y las emociones Energías: Fuego energizante, te brinda energía 
Arquetipo: Emperador/emperatriz, mártir 
Afirmación: "Doy la bienvenida y reconozco todos mis sentimientos y deseos. Yo soy fácilmente capaz de discernir entre los que me apoyan y los que deben ser liberados."

El chakra del plexo solar se relaciona con el poder personal 
Ubicación: Arriba del ombligo  Influencias: Tu poder personal y capacidad intelectual, la capacidad de manifestar 
Energías: Fuego, energizante, presta energía 
Arquetipos: Guerrero espiritual, esclavo 
Afirmación: "Honro mi verdad y mi cuerpo. Soy poderoso."

El chakra del corazón se refiere a tus relaciones 
Ubicación: Centro del pecho  Influencias: El amor, las relaciones y la auto-aceptación. 
Energías: Agua, calmante, relajante y tranquilizante 
Arquetipos: Amante, artista 
Afirmación: "Me siento muy querido y soy muy adorable."
El chakra de la garganta se refiere a la comunicación y la libre expresión 
Ubicación: Garganta  Influencias: Auto-expresión verdadera 
Energías: Agua, calmante, relajante, y tranquilizante 
Arquetipos: Comunicador, enmascarado 
Afirmación: "En silencio, oigo mi verdad más profunda y desde allí hablo mi verdad."
El Chakra del Tercer Ojo se relaciona con la intuición. 
Ubicación: Centro de la frente 
Influencias: Tu percepción 
Energías: Aire, meditación, intuición, promueve la reflexión 
Arquetipos: Sabios, escépticos 
Afirmación: "Veo con claridad a través de los ojos de la Fuente."
El Chakra de la Coronilla se refiere a la conexión con la fuente. 
Ubicación: Parte superior de la cabeza 
Influencias: Enlace con la Divinidad 
Energías: Aire, meditación, intuición, promueve la reflexión Arquetipos: Sabio, egoísta
Afirmación: "Confío en el poder superior y sé que yo soy uno con todo lo que existe."

Puedes restaurar el flujo y borrar cualquier estancamiento o bloqueo de los chakras mediante las siguientes técnicas: 

Masajes: Cada chakra tiene un punto físico que responde al masaje. Este masaje se administra en forma circular hacia la derecha en la zona correspondiente al chakra. 

Yoga: Abre las líneas de energía y aumenta el flujo energético.  
Meditación: Reequilibra los chakras al aumentar el flujo de energía. Mejora de la relajación, la claridad, y la sanación. 

Visualización: Al ver el vórtice de la energía chakra vibrante de color y girando óptimamente restablecerás los centros para una alineación adecuada. 

Afirmaciones: Declaraciones positivas que refuerzan el flujo de energía saludable en cada chakra. 

Principles of Pilates (Wikipedia)

Philip Friedman and Gail Eisen, two students of Romana Kryzanowska, published the first modern book on Pilates, The Pilates Method of Physical and Mental Conditioning, in 1980 and in it they outlined six "principles of Pilates".[9] These have been widely adopted—and adapted—by the wider community. The original six principles were concentration, control, center, flow, precision, and breathing.


Pilates demands intense focus: "You have to concentrate on what you're doing all the time. And you must concentrate on your entire body for smooth movements."[10] This is not easy, but in Pilates the way that exercises are done is more important than the exercises themselves.[10] In 2006 at the Parkinson Center of the Oregon Health and Science University in Portland, Oregon, the concentration factor of the Pilates method was being studied in providing relief from the degenerative symptoms of Parkinson's disease.[11]


"Contrology" was Joseph Pilates' preferred name for his method and it is based on the idea of muscle control. "Nothing about the Pilates Method is haphazard. The reason you need to concentrate so thoroughly is so you can be in control of every aspect of every moment."[12] All exercises are done with control with the muscles working to lift against gravity and the resistance of the springs and thereby control the movement of the body and the apparatus. "The Pilates Method teaches you to be in control of your body and not at its mercy."[13]


For practitioners to control their bodies, they must have a starting place: the center. The center is the focal point of the Pilates Method.[14] Many Pilates teachers refer to the group of muscles in the center of the body—encompassing the abdomen, lower and upper back, hips, buttocks, and inner thighs—as the "powerhouse". All movement in Pilates should begin from the powerhouse and flow outward to the limbs.

Flow or efficiency of movement

Pilates aims for elegant sufficiency of movement, creating flow through the use of appropriate transitions. Once precision has been achieved, the exercises are intended to flow within and into each other in order to build strength and stamina. In other words, the Pilates technique asserts that physical energy exerted from the center should coordinate movements of the extremities: Pilates is flowing movement outward from a strong core.[15]


Precision is essential to correct Pilates: "concentrate on the correct movements each time you exercise, lest you do them improperly and thus lose all the vital benefits of their value".[16] The focus is on doing one precise and perfect movement, rather than many halfhearted ones. Pilates is here reflecting common physical culture wisdom: "You will gain more strength from a few energetic, concentrated efforts than from a thousand listless, sluggish movements".[17] The goal is for this precision to eventually become second nature, and carry over into everyday life as grace and economy of movement.[18]


Breathing is important in the Pilates method. In Return to Life, Pilates devotes a section of his introduction specifically to breathing "bodily house-cleaning with blood circulation".[19] He saw considerable value in increasing the intake of oxygen and the circulation of this oxygenated blood to every part of the body. This he saw as cleansing and invigorating. Proper full inhalation and complete exhalation were key to this. "Pilates saw forced exhalation as the key to full inhalation."[20] He advised people to squeeze out the lungs as they would wring a wet towel dry.[21] In Pilates exercises, the practitioner breathes out with the effort and in on the return.[22] In order to keep the lower abdominals close to the spine; the breathing needs to be directed laterally, into the lower rib cage. Pilates breathing is described as a posterior lateral breathing, meaning that the practitioner is instructed to breathe deep into the back and sides of his or her rib cage. When practitioners exhale, they are instructed to note the engagement of their deep abdominal and pelvic floor muscles and maintain this engagement as they inhale. Pilates attempts to properly coordinate this breathing practice with movement, including breathing instructions with every exercise. “Above all, learn to breathe correctly.”[23]

Benefits of Pilates (Wikipedia)

Pilates is a conditioning routine that may help build flexibility, muscle strength, and endurance in the legs, abdominals, arms, hips, and back.[4] It puts emphasis on spinal and pelvic alignment, breathing, and developing a strong core or center, and improving coordination and balance. Pilates' system allows for different exercises to be modified in range of difficulty from beginning to advanced. Intensity can be increased over time as the body conditions and adapts to the exercises.[4]

Gay Pride (Wikipedia)

Gay pride or LGBT pride is the positive stance against discrimination and violence toward lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people to promote their self-affirmation, dignity, equality rights, increase their visibility as a social group, build community, and celebrate sexual diversity and gender variance. Pride, as opposed to shame and social stigma, is the predominant outlook that bolsters most LGBT rights movements throughout the world. Pride has lent its name to LGBT-themed organizations, institutes, foundations, book titles, periodicals and even a cable TV station and the Pride Library.

Ranging from solemn to carnivalesque, pride events are typically held during LGBT Pride Month or some other period that commemorates a turning point in a country’s LGBT history, for example Moscow Pride in May for the anniversary of Russia's 1993 decriminalization of homosexuality. Some pride events include LGBT pride parades and marches, rallies, commemorations, community days, dance parties, and large festivals, such as Sydney Mardi Gras, which spans several weeks.

Common symbols of pride are the rainbow or pride flag, the lowercase Greek letter lambda (λ), the pink triangle and the black triangle, these latter two reclaimed from use as badges of shame in Nazi concentration camps.[1]

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