Saturday, May 19, 2012

It's Always Personal - My Survey (

Your primary type is a SPOUTER.

Spouters are charismatic and exciting, saying more than members of any other group that people “tend to follow what I do more than they follow others.” They are fun to be around and their natural energy can enliven tough situations, yet while only one in five people is a Spouter, the ways in which they express their feelings, carrying their emotions on their sleeves, undoubtedly cause them to be responsible for a seemingly disproportionate share of the emotional incidents in the workplace. Whether or not one is enjoying their company, Spouters can take up a lot of the air in the room. These people tend to challenge themselves and – primarily -- others, often blaming colleagues for whatever is going wrong. They tend to feel that they have insufficient power even though they believe that they see the big picture more clearly than others. While the typical Spouter considers herself a “creative person,” she also believes that her success is mainly about luck, less about performance. Spouters talk more than they listen. They are considerably more anxious than any of the other groups. They tend to be heavier drinkers and smokers, and prefer to hit something for the sake of catharsis rather than to reach compromise through conversation. Interestingly, compared to people in the other three groups, Spouters are far more accommodating of tears in the workplace, and not just because they tend to provoke them – Spouters also cry at work themselves significantly more than any of the four types. Spouters probably benefit the most from body-mind relaxation techniques that can be effective in helping to manage the stresses that often trigger tears.

Your secondary type is a BELIEVER.

Believers (27%) think of themselves as relatively happy people who find solace by trusting in the stabilizing, civilizing power of larger principles and the greater good– their faiths, their organizations, their ideals, their country -- and feel unhappy when those values are compromised. Being appreciated for their work, staying true to their mission and their principles are central. Believers possess high degrees of fortitude deriving their most important sense of inner strength from external sources, such as religious belief or commitment to causes. Most Believers don't consider themselves natural leaders, but they are by and large satisfied with their lives. This group skews slightly female and they have a solid sense of self. They're less comfortable as a group than Solvers or Spouters with their own expressions of emotion – although they are comfortable with others expressing emotion in the workplace. Unlike Spouters, these people listen more than they speak and prefer to tell the truth, but don't tend to go out on a limb to make a point. They fall back on the foundations of their social networks to find personal resiliency. Believers can be helpful in emotionally charged situations: during stressful times at work they can help lift others out of the immediacy of a single moment and help the organization focus on the larger mission.

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