Showing posts with label Brain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brain. Show all posts

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thinking in a Foreign Language Makes Decisions More Rational

To judge a risk more clearly, it may help to consider it in a foreign language.

A series of experiments on more than 300 people from the U.S. and Korea found that thinking in a second language reduced deep-seated, misleading biases that unduly influence how risks and benefits are perceived.

“Would you make the same decisions in a foreign language as you would in your native tongue?” asked psychologists led by Boaz Keysar of the University of Chicago in an April 18 Psychological Science study.

“It may be intuitive that people would make the same choices regardless of the language they are using, or that the difficulty of using a foreign language would make decisions less systematic. We discovered, however, that the opposite is true: Using a foreign language reduces decision-making biases,” wrote Keysar’s team.

Psychologists say human reasoning is shaped by two distinct modes of thought: one that’s systematic, analytical and cognition-intensive, and another that’s fast, unconscious and emotionally charged.

'Would you make the same decisions in a foreign language?'
In light of this, it’s plausible that the cognitive demands of thinking in a non-native, non-automatic language would leave people with little leftover mental horsepower, ultimately increasing their reliance on quick-and-dirty cogitation.

Equally plausible, however, is that communicating in a learned language forces people to be deliberate, reducing the role of potentially unreliable instinct. Research also shows that immediate emotional reactions to emotively charged words are muted in non-native languages, further hinting at deliberation.

To investigate these possibilities, Keysar’s team developed several tests based on scenarios originally proposed by psychologist Daniel Kahneman, who in 2002 won a Nobel Prize in economics for his work on prospect theory, which describes how people intuitively perceive risk.

In one famous example, Kahneman showed that, given the hypothetical option of saving 200 out of 600 lives, or taking a chance that would either save all 600 lives or none at all, people prefer to save the 200 — yet when the problem is framed in terms of losing lives, many more people prefer the all-or-nothing chance rather than accept a guaranteed loss of 400 lives.

People are, in a nutshell, instinctively risk-averse when considering gain and risk-taking when faced with loss, even when the essential decision is the same. It’s a gut-level human predisposition, and if second-language thinking made people think less systematically, Keysar’s team supposed the tendency would be magnified. Conversely, if second-language thinking promoted deliberation, the tendency would be diminished.

The first experiment involved 121 American students who learned Japanese as a second language. Some were presented in English with a hypothetical choice: To fight a disease that would kill 600,000 people, doctors could either develop a medicine that saved 200,000 lives, or a medicine with a 33.3 percent chance of saving 600,000 lives and a 66.6 percent chance of saving no lives at all.

Results of two tests of foreign-language effects on framing biases. In each, people were given the choice between sure savings or an all-or-nothing bet. Bars show how many people preferred sure savings when the choice was framed in terms of gains (black) or losses (gray) and considered in their native language (left pair) or second language (right pair). Image: Keysar et al./Psychological Science

Nearly 80 percent of the students chose the safe option. When the problem was framed in terms of losing rather than saving lives, the safe-option number dropped to 47 percent. When considering the same situation in Japanese, however, the safe-option number hovered around 40 percent, regardless of how choices were framed. The role of instinct appeared reduced.

Two subsequent experiments in which the hypothetical situation involved job loss rather than death, administered to 144 native Korean speakers from Korea’s Chung Nam National University and 103 English speakers studying abroad in Paris, found the same pattern of enhanced deliberation. “Using a foreign language diminishes the framing effect,” wrote Keysar’s team.

The researchers next tested how language affected decisions on matters of direct personal import. According to prospect theory, the possibility of small losses outweigh the promise of larger gains, a phenomenon called myopic risk aversion and rooted in emotional reactions to the idea of loss.

The same group of Korean students was presented with a series of hypothetical low-loss, high-gain bets. When offered bets in Korean, just 57 percent took them. When offered in English, that number rose to 67 percent, again suggesting heightened deliberation in a second language.

To see if the effect held up in real-world betting, Keysar’s team recruited 54 University of Chicago students who spoke Spanish as a second language. Each received $15 in $1 bills, each of which could be kept or bet on a coin toss. If they lost a toss, they’d lose the dollar, but winning returned the dollar and another $1.50 — a proposition that, over multiple bets, would likely be profitable.

When the proceedings were conducted in English, just 54 percent of students took the bets, a number that rose to 71 percent when betting in Spanish. “They take more bets in a foreign language because they expect to gain in the long run, and are less affected by the typically exaggerated aversion to losses,” wrote Keysar and colleagues.

The researchers believe a second language provides a useful cognitive distance from automatic processes, promoting analytical thought and reducing unthinking, emotional reaction.

“Given that more and more people use a foreign language on a daily basis, our discovery could have far-reaching implications,” they wrote, suggesting that people who speak a second language might use it when considering financial decisions. “Over a long time horizon, this might very well be beneficial.”

Citation: “The Foreign-Language Effect: Thinking in a Foreign Tongue Reduces Decision Biases.” By Boaz Keysar, Sayuri L. Hayakawa and Sun Gyu An. Psychological Science, published online 18 April 2012.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Human Stress (Glossary)


Acute stress
Short-term activation of the stress response that can be helpful.

Anterior Pituitary
Region of the brain called the “master gland” necessary for the release of hormones


Baseline or normal every-day levels (e.g., basal cortisol levels).

Blood volume
The total amount of blood circulating in our body.


Refers to functions of the heart, arteries and veins.

Series of biological events

Chronic stress
Long-term activation of repeated stress responses that can be harmful.

Circadian rhythm
Daily pattern of release and regulation of biological substances.

One of the primary mammalian stress hormones


Substances that reduce the amount of water in our body.


Process in which we become used to things or situations.

Normal biological set points that help to regulate bodily functions.

Region of the brain involved in learning and memory

Region of the brain involved in the regulation of many body functions and the release of hormones.

Our stress response system consisting of the hypothalamus, the anterior pituitary gland, and the adrenal glands that produce stress hormones.


Hormone that helps lowers blood sugar levels and store energy for future use.


Mobilize energy
The act of getting fuel for muscles and other biological functions


Negative feedback
Process of shutting bodily systems off once a set level is achieved.


Parts of cells that receive chemical messages, including hormonal messages.

Capacity to confront with success a stressful situation and to overcome and adapt despite difficult circumstances.


Stress hormones
Adrenaline, noradrenalin and cortisol.

The process of creating biological substances through the combination of different molecules.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Benefits of Reading

Benefits of Reading

With the popularity of computers and video games in recent times, habit of reading has taken a backseat. Most parents and children are so occupied in watching movies, television and addicted to computer games that they find little or no time for reading. However those who have developed reading as a hobby are aware of the countless advantages associated with it. Reading broadens the thinking horizon of a person, improves vocabulary and cultivates sensitivity towards people of different cultures.

Benefits associated with reading

1.Exercises your mind.
Reading bends loosens and supple the mind. It helps in keeping the muscles of the brain in good shape.

2.Gives satisfaction

Reading gives immense satisfaction to a person. Nothing can be more satisfying than to sit with your child and read him a story book, or to see him grow with the fairy tales.

3.Expands the imagination

Reading expands the imagination of a person. One becomes more confident, self assured of his ability to understand and appreciate the various aspects of life. The mind is channelized to think about the different aspects and then questions and derives conclusions about them.

4.Enhances the ability to focus

The mind of a reader is more concentrated and focused about various aspects of life. When the mind is focused it has the capability to be more attentive in practical situations of life. As a result the body and mind of such people remain calm; they look at the problem objectively and are better decision makers.

5.Improves knowledge
Reading improves a person’s knowledge about various fields of life. This knowledge base helps a person to make correct decisions in different situations of life.

6.Helps to achieve goals in life

People who develop reading habit since childhood are better able to decide their goals in life. Reading also helps them in achieving these goals because once a person gets in love with books it is easier for him to just switch over from general reading to their course books.

7.Produces efficient orators

Only those who know something of quality can speak and gains respect and recognition from people. People with scarce knowledge about a subject cannot be good orators.

8.Teaches the art of living

Reading biographies of legendary individuals help the reader to learn the art of living.

9.Helps to accept other cultures and religions.

Just having information about other cultures might create misconceptions about their traditions and mythologies. A thorough reading gives clarity about the fundamentals of other religions. This helps the person to accept them in a better and overwhelming manner.

So instead of killing long hours watching television and playing games on computer spend some time in reading so that you not only refresh you mind but also develop a good hobby which you will later on transfer to your children.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Powerful Lengevity Foods (Food Matters)

The more we learn, the clearer it is that longevity isn't just about our genetic heritage. Instead we can control many of the factors that will influence the quality and quantity of our years with all those small, daily decisions we make about nutrition, fitness, sleep and other health behaviors.

So when we saw the recent study linking vitamin D and calcium supplements to a longer lifespan, it got us thinking. What other nutrients or foods could help improve lifespan? Read on for some tasty items that may just add years to your life.

Broccoli For Cancer Protection 

Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables are full of sulforaphane and other antioxidants that help to protect healthy cells from damage caused by free radicals. But when it comes to the veggies, raw may be better: recent research has found that boiling in water has a "leaching effect."

Whole Grains For Cardiovascular Health 

Whole grains offer a variety of antioxidants and vitamins, and are packed with fiber, known to help protect against high cholesterol and regulate blood sugar levels, which can safeguard against diabetes. For those with gluten sensitivities its important to steer clear of gluten containing grains like wheat, barley and rye and opt for buckwheat and rice in its whole form.

Berries For Brain, Bone And Brawn 

Not only are berries good for extending life -- they improve the quality of later years. Berries are chock full of antioxidants that help protect against free radical damage, but as Whole Livingreported, one antioxidant in particular -- anthocyanins -- is particularly useful for brain function, balance and muscle retention.

Dark Chocolate For Anti-Inflammation 

Dark chocolate is full of inflammation-reducing flavonoids, a compound that also has antioxidant properties and helps prevent blood clots. But reducing inflammation is its real longevity trick, as research shows that molecular inflammation may be responsible for much aging and cell death.

Tomatoes For Cancer Prevention 

Tomatoes are a great source of lycopene, the fat-soluble nutrient that helps to protect against some types of cancer, like prostate, lung and stomach cancers.

Beets For Betaine Power 

Beets are rich in betaine, a compound associated with lower markers of inflammation, according to the latest research in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Walnuts For Lower Cholesterol

Walnuts are a great source of alpha linolenic acid (ALA), which is a type of omega-3 fatty acidassociated with reduced inflammation.

Source Link:

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Study Questions with Answers - Part Six

51. What are some of the effects which can be produced by electricity?
Heat, light, power, music.
52. Upon what do these various effects depend?
Upon the mechanism to which electricity is attached.
53. What is the result of the action and interaction of the individual mind upon the Universal?
The conditions and experiences with which we meet.
54. How may these conditions be changed?
By changing the mechanism by which the Universal is differentiated in form.
55. What is this mechanism?
The brain.
56. How may it be changed?
By the process we call thinking. Thoughts produce brain cells, and these cells respond to the corresponding thought in the Universal.
57. Of what value is the power of concentration?
It is the very highest personal accomplishment which can be acquired, and the distinguishing characteristic of every successful man or woman.
58. How may it be acquired?
By faithfully practicing the exercises in this System.
59. Why is this so important?
Because it will enable us to control our thoughts, and since thoughts are causes conditions must be effects; if we can control the cause we can also control the effect.
60. What is changing conditions and multiplying results in the objective world?
Men are learning the basic methods of constructive thinking.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Improve Brain Health Now: Easy Steps

We can sum­ma­rize a lot of research by say­ing that there are four essen­tial pil­lars to main­tain­ing a healthy brain that func­tions bet­ter now and lasts longer. Those pil­lars are:
  • 1) Phys­i­cal Exercise
  • 2) Men­tal Exercise
  • 3) Good Nutrition
  • 4) Stress Management
Great … now what?! How do you develop a healthy lifestyle that includes all four pil­lars? Let’s look at each one.

1. Phys­i­cal Exer­cise
  • - Start by talk­ing to your doc­tor, espe­cially if you are not cur­rently phys­i­cally active, have spe­cial health con­cerns, or are mak­ing sig­nif­i­cant changes to your cur­rent program.
  • - Set a goal that you can achieve. Do some­thing you enjoy for even just 15 min­utes a day. You can always add more time and activ­i­ties later.
  • - Sched­ule exer­cise into your daily rou­tine. It will be become a habit faster if you do.
  • - If you can only do one thing, do some­thing car­dio­vas­cu­lar, mean­ing some­thing that gets your heart beat­ing faster. This includes walk­ing, run­ning, ski­ing, swim­ming, bik­ing, hik­ing, ten­nis, bas­ket­ball, play­ing tag, ulti­mate Fris­bee, and other sim­i­lar sports/activities.
2. Men­tal Exer­cise
  • - Be curi­ous! Get to know your local library and com­mu­nity col­lege, look for local orga­ni­za­tions or churches that offer classes or workshops
  • - Do a vari­ety of things, includ­ing things you aren’t good at (if you like to sing, try paint­ing too)
  • - Work puz­zles like cross­words and sudoku or play games like chess and bridge
  • - Try a com­put­er­ized brain fit­ness pro­gram for a cus­tomized workout
  • - If you can only do one thing, learn some­thing new every day
3. Good Nutri­tion
  • - Eat a vari­ety of foods of dif­fer­ent col­ors with­out a lot of added ingre­di­ents or processes
  • - Plan your meals around your veg­eta­bles, and then add fruit, pro­tein, dairy, and/or grains
  • - Add some cold-water fish to your diet (tuna, salmon, mack­erel, hal­ibut, sar­dines, and her­ring) which con­tain omega-3 fatty acids
  • - Learn what a portion-size is, so you don’t overeat
  • - Try to eat more foods low on the Glycemic Index
  • - If you can only do one thing, eat more veg­eta­bles, par­tic­u­larly leafy green ones
4. Stress Man­age­ment
  • - Get reg­u­lar car­dio­vas­cu­lar exercise
  • - Try to get enough sleep each night
  • - Keep con­nected with your friends and family
  • - Prac­tice med­i­ta­tion, yoga, or some other calm­ing activ­ity as way to take a relax­ing time-out (maybe a bath)
  • - Try train­ing with a heart rate vari­abil­ity sen­sor, like the one in emWave (for­merly known as Freeze-Framer)
  • - If you can only do one thing, set aside 5–10 min­utes to just breathe deeply and recharge

Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Ten Habits of Highly Effective Brains

Let’s review some good lifestyle options we can fol­low to main­tain, and improve, our vibrant brains.
  1. Learn what is the “It” in “Use It or Lose It”. A basic under­stand­ing will serve you well to appre­ci­ate your brain’s beauty as a liv­ing and constantly-developing dense for­est with bil­lions of neu­rons and synapses.
  2. Take care of your nutri­tion. Did you know that the brain only weighs 2% of body mass but con­sumes over 20% of the oxy­gen and nutri­ents we intake? As a gen­eral rule, you don’t need expen­sive ultra-sophisticated nutri­tional sup­ple­ments, just make sure you don’t stuff your­self with the “bad stuff”.
  3. Remem­ber that the brain is part of the body. Things that exer­cise your body can also help sharpen your brain: phys­i­cal exer­cise enhances neurogenesis.
  4. Prac­tice pos­i­tive, future-oriented thoughts until they become your default mind­set and you look for­ward to every new day in a con­struc­tive way. Stress and anx­i­ety, no mat­ter whether induced by exter­nal events or by your own thoughts, actu­ally kills neu­rons and pre­vent the cre­ation of new ones. You can think of chronic stress as the oppo­site of exer­cise: it pre­vents the cre­ation of new neurons.
  5. Thrive on Learn­ing and Men­tal Chal­lenges. The point of hav­ing a brain is pre­cisely to learn and to adapt to chal­leng­ing new envi­ron­ments. Once new neu­rons appear in your brain, where they stay in your brain and how long they sur­vive depends on how you use them. “Use It or Lose It” does not mean “do cross­word puz­zle num­ber 1,234,567″. It means, “chal­lenge your brain often with fun­da­men­tally new activities”.
  6. We are (as far as we know) the only self-directed organ­isms in this planet. Aim high. Once you grad­u­ate from col­lege, keep learn­ing. The brain keeps devel­op­ing, no mat­ter your age, and it reflects what you do with it.
  7. Explore, travel. Adapt­ing to new loca­tions forces you to pay more atten­tion to your envi­ron­ment. Make new deci­sions, use your brain.
  8. Don’t Out­source Your Brain. Not to media per­son­al­i­ties, not to politi­cians, not to your smart neigh­bour… Make your own deci­sions, and mis­takes. And learn from them. That way, you are train­ing your brain, not your neighbour’s.
  9. Develop and main­tain stim­u­lat­ing friend­ships. We are “social ani­mals”, and need social inter­ac­tion. Which, by the way, is why ‘Baby Ein­stein’ has been shown not to be the panacea for chil­dren development.
  10. Laugh. Often. Espe­cially to cog­ni­tively com­plex humor, full of twists and sur­prises. Bet­ter, try to become the next Jon Stewart
Now, remem­ber that what counts is not read­ing this article-or any other-, but prac­tic­ing a bit every day until small steps snow­ball into unstop­pable, inter­nal­ized habits…so, pick your next bat­tle and try to start improv­ing at least one of these 10 habits today. Revisit the habit above that really grabbed your atten­tion, click on the link to learn more, and make a deci­sion to try some­thing dif­fer­ent today!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Being bilingual 'boosts brain power' (BBC)

Learning a second language can boost brain power, scientists believe.

The US researchers from Northwestern University say bilingualism is a form of brain training - a mental "work out" that fine-tunes the mind.

Speaking two languages profoundly affects the brain and changes how the nervous system responds to sound, lab tests revealed.

Experts say the work in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences provides "biological" evidence of this.

For the study, the team monitored the brain responses of 48 healthy student volunteers - which included 23 who were bilingual - to different sounds.

They used scalp electrodes to trace the pattern of brainwaves.

Under quiet, laboratory conditions, both groups - the bilingual and the English-only-speaking students - responded similarly.

But against a backdrop of noisy chatter, the bilingual group were far superior at processing sounds.

They were better able to tune in to the important information - the speaker's voice - and block out other distracting noises - the background chatter.
'Powerful' benefits

And these differences were visible in the brain. The bilingualists' brainstem responses were heightened.

Prof Nina Kraus, who led the research, said: "The bilingual's enhanced experience with sound results in an auditory system that is highly efficient, flexible and focused in its automatic sound processing, especially in challenging or novel listening conditions."

Co-author Viorica Marian said: "People do crossword puzzles and other activities to keep their minds sharp. But the advantages we've discovered in dual language speakers come automatically simply from knowing and using two languages.

"It seems that the benefits of bilingualism are particularly powerful and broad, and include attention, inhibition and encoding of sound."

Musicians appear to gain a similar benefit when rehearsing, say the researchers.

Past research has also suggested that being bilingual might help ward off dementia.

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