Showing posts with label Walking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Walking. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Do we need to exercise? I often wonder. I watch my children play, they are having fun. Are they exercising or just making balance for what they are eating? When they eat foods outside the macrobiotic diet their play and behavior changes. When they eat macrobiotic foods they play nicely together, not much fighting. After sweets at school they fight and whine more. Maybe they are just trying to burn off the excess. Without concepts, they naturally make balance.
Everything is balance. When we are close to the center we are naturally attracted back to the center to create a balance. However, once we get too far off center there is a tendency to go to the extreme first before returning to a balance. I have often observed this in the way people choose food.

People who are too yang often choose more yang foods rather than the yin foods, which would return them to balance. The same is true in reverse for yin people, they like more yin foods. With exercise it is the same. Yang type people are attracted to more yang types of exercise, which make their condition increasingly more yang. Yin type people tend to choose more yin types of exercise and make themselves more yin. When they finally reach the extreme of yin or yang, they make a radical change toward the opposite to create balance.
There are three basic types of exercise:
  1. Harmonious or life-related.
    Whoever does this type of exercise returns to balance. Walking is the most universal, harmonious exercise. If you are tired, walking will energize you. When anxious, walking calms you down. If you are depressed walking will pick you up. Walking clears a cloudy mind. Cleaning, housework, gardening, singing, social dancing and hobbies are other examples.
  2. Ki-related exercise.
    This type of exercise develops your Ki energy. It is mentally and spiritually refining and creates greater sensitivity and awareness. Martial arts, yoga, Do-In, breathing exercises, chanting and meditations are in this category. They are generally yin but can still be divided into yin and yang. Tai-chi is a more yin type martial art, Karate is a more yang type and Aikido is balanced. In Do-In there are stretching, rubbing and pounding movements. Stretching is balanced, rubbing is yin and pounding is more yang.
  3. Physically, emotionally related exercise.
    This type exercise stimulates blood circulation and muscles. It makes you warm and develops physical strength. All types of sports and calisthenics are in this category. Jogging, aerobics, tennis, golf, baseball, swimming, etc. are a few examples. Exercises you do for fun are more yin, competitive exercise or sports are more yang. Exercises you do in a group are more yang than exercise you do by yourself. This type of exercise makes you feel good physically and emotionally. It’s nature is yang. Jogging is very centering and grounding, tennis is more harmonizing and football makes you very yang.
Diet controls our need for exercise. The more we eat and the richer the foods, the more exercise we need to return to balance. Consider your diet before exercise. This will ensure the best results with the least effort. A grain and vegetable based diet such as macrobiotics is best.
To get the best results from your exercise program start with life-related exercise. Make your daily life more active. In addition choose exercise you truly enjoy. Exercise should be like good food, you crave it and can’t wait to enjoy it. Try to choose exercise that is appropriate for your condition.

If you are more yang and socially oriented try some Ki-related exercises. Stress is very yang. To overcome stress, harmonious and Ki-related exercise are more helpful than jogging or sports, which are also yang. If your are a more yin, mental type person and need to strengthen, try the physically oriented exercises. Here jogging, aerobics, tennis or skiing would be appropriate. Choose group type activities to become more socially oriented.

Your mental image while exercising is also very important. To become more yin keep a happy, peaceful bright image in your mind. To become more yang focus on a goal.

Also consider your surroundings when exercising. Outside is more open and yin. For alleviating stress, outdoor exercise where there is grass and trees produce the best results. Don’t push yourself to the limit though. Stop at 70-80% of your capacity. Build up gradually and try to be consistent.

Health is natural, we don’t have to work at it. First, understand your present condition, then set a direction. Review your progress, are you reaching your goals? If not, try a different exercise. And most of all have fun.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Alzheimer’s & dementia prevention pillar #1: Regular exercise

According to the Alzheimer’s Research & Prevention Foundation, physical exercise reduces your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease by 50 percent.

Regular exercise can also slow further deterioration in those who have already started to develop cognitive problems.

If you’ve been inactive for a while, starting an exercise program can be intimidating. But you don’t have to take up jogging or sign up for a gym membership. Look for small ways to add more movement into your day. Park at the far end of the parking lot, take the stairs, carry your own groceries, or walk around the block or pace while talking on your cell phone.

Tips for getting started and sticking with your exercise plan:

  • Aim for at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise five times per week. Try walking, swimming, or any other activity that gets your heart rate up. Even routine activities such as gardening, cleaning, or doing laundry count as exercise.
  • Build muscle to pump up your brain. Moderate levels of weight and resistance training not only increase muscle mass, they help you maintain brain health. Combining aerobics and strength training is better than either activity alone. For those over 65, adding 2-3 strength sessions to your weekly routine may cut your risk of Alzheimer’s in half.
  • Include balance and coordination exercises. Head injuries from falls are an increasing risk as you grow older, which in turn increase your risk for Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Balance and coordination exercises can help you stay agile and avoid spills. Try yoga, Tai Chi, or exercises using balance discs or balance balls.
  • Stick with it for a month. It takes approximately 28 days for a new routine to become habit. Once you’re over this hump, keeping up your exercise routine will feel natural. In the meantime, write realistic goals on a workout calendar and post it on the fridge. Build in frequent rewards, and within no time, the feel-good endorphins from regular exercise will help you forget the remote…and head out the door.
  • Protect your head. Studies suggest that head trauma at any point in life significantly increases your risk of Alzheimer’s disease. This includes repeated hits in sports activities such as football, soccer, and boxing, or one-time injuries from a bicycle, skating, or motorcycle accident. Protect your brain by wearing properly fitting sports helmets, buckling your seatbelt, and trip-proofing your environment. Avoid activities that compete for your attention—like talking on your cell while driving. A moment’s distraction can lead to a brain-injuring thud!

The benefits of exercise

In addition to protecting against Alzheimer’s and dementia, regular exercise:
  • Reduces stress
  • Boosts mood
  • Improves memory
  • Increases energy

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Making relaxation techniques a part of your life

The best way to start and maintain a relaxation practice is to incorporate it into your daily routine. Between work, family, school, and other commitments, though, it can be tough for many people to find the time. Fortunately, many of the techniques can be practiced while you’re doing other things.

Rhythmic exercise as a mindfulness relaxation technique

Rhythmic exercise—such as running, walking, rowing, or cycling—is most effective at relieving stress when performed with relaxation in mind. As with meditation, mindfulness requires being fully engaged in the present moment, focusing your mind on how your body feels right now. As you exercise, focus on the physicality of your body’s movement and how your breathing complements that movement. If your mind wanders to other thoughts, gently return to focusing on your breathing and movement.

If walking or running, for example, focus on each step—the sensation of your feet touching the ground, the rhythm of your breath while moving, and the feeling of the wind against your face.

Tips for fitting relaxation techniques into your life

  • If possible, schedule a set time to practice each day. Set aside one or two periods each day. You may find that it’s easier to stick with your practice if you do it first thing in the morning, before other tasks and responsibilities get in the way.
  • Practice relaxation techniques while you’re doing other things. Meditate while commuting to work on a bus or train, or waiting for a dentist appointment. Try deep breathing while you’re doing housework or mowing the lawn. Mindfulness walking can be done while exercising your dog, walking to your car, or climbing the stairs at work instead of using the elevator. Once you’ve learned techniques such as tai chi, you can practice them in your office or in the park at lunchtime.
  • If you exercise, improve the relaxation benefits by adopting mindfulness. Instead of zoning out or staring at a TV as you exercise, try focusing your attention on your body. If you’re resistance training, for example, focus on coordinating your breathing with your movements and pay attention to how your body feels as you raise and lower the weights.
  • Avoid practicing when you’re sleepy. These techniques can relax you so much that they can make you very sleepy, especially if it’s close to bedtime. You will get the most benefit if you practice when you’re fully awake and alert. Do not practice after eating a heavy meal or while using drugs, tobacco, or alcohol.
  • Expect ups and downs. Don’t be discouraged if you skip a few days or even a few weeks. It happens. Just get started again and slowly build up to your old momentum.

Relaxation technique 4: Mindfulness for stress relief

Mindfulness is the ability to remain aware of how you’re feeling right now, your “moment-to-moment” experience—both internal and external. Thinking about the past—blaming and judging yourself—or worrying about the future can often lead to a degree of stress that is overwhelming. But by staying calm and focused in the present moment, you can bring your nervous system back into balance. Mindfulness can be applied to activities such as walking, exercising, eating, or meditation.

Meditations that cultivate mindfulness have long been used to reduce overwhelming stress. Some of these meditations bring you into the present by focusing your attention on a single repetitive action, such as your breathing, a few repeated words, or flickering light from a candle. Other forms of mindfulness meditation encourage you to follow and then release internal thoughts or sensations.

Practicing mindfulness meditation

Key points in mindfulness mediation are:
  • A quiet environment. Choose a secluded place in your home, office, garden, place of worship, or in the great outdoors where you can relax without distractions or interruptions.
  • A comfortable position. Get comfortable, but avoid lying down as this may lead to you falling asleep. Sit up with your spine straight, either in a chair or on the floor. You can also try a cross-legged or lotus position.
  • A point of focus. This point can be internal – a feeling or imaginary scene – or something external - a flame or meaningful word or phrase that you repeat it throughout your session. You may meditate with eyes open or closed. Also choose to focus on an object in your surroundings to enhance your concentration, or alternately, you can close your eyes.
  • An observant, noncritical attitude. Don’t worry about distracting thoughts that go through your mind or about how well you’re doing. If thoughts intrude during your relaxation session, don’t fight them. Instead, gently turn your attention back to your point of focus. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Easy Relaxation Techniques

Each individual will have unique ways to relax. The relaxation techniques listed here are options that you can try. There is no right or wrong way to relax, and no one technique that will work for everyone, so find out which ones work the best for you.

Relaxation is a skill. This means that relaxation is something that can be learned and practiced, it is something we are not necessarily just born knowing how to do (not everyone knows how to relax), and we often are not good at it at first. Each person has the ability to learn how to relax, but not everyone will relax the same way.

Everyone can learn to relax. This means that even if some of these techniques don't work for you, at least one will! You will be able to find some way to relax, and with practice, relaxation will become easier.

Here is an overview of some of the relaxation techniques you might want to try:

Progressive Relaxation - progressively tensing and then relaxing muscle groups - by progressive, I mean one muscle group after another... the relaxation progresses through the body. Passive progressive relaxation is the act of relaxing muscles progressively without tensing them first. If you are already very tense, this method might be best (tightening up already-tight muscles can cause muscle cramping).

Physical Techniques - includes progressive muscle relaxation; also stretching, yoga, tai chi, pilates and other physical techniques.

Visualization - visualizing something for relaxation or making positive changes, such as picturing in your mind a relaxing scene.

Guided Imagery - the process of being guided through calming or helpful mental images, such as calming scenes, the healing process, or positive changes.

Autogenics - imagining that your limbs are warm and heavy, your heart rate is slow and steady, and your forehead is cool.

Meditation - focusing the mind on a word, phrase, or idea and letting go of other thoughts with an attitude of passive acceptance for relaxation or making positive changes.

Sensory - experiencing or imagining the sensations of sight, sound, smell, taste, and/or touch.

Deep breathing - breathing slowly and regularly and taking sufficiently deep breaths.

Other methods - exercise, massage, hypnosis, self-hypnosis, crafts, hobbies, dance, music, conscious mental rest, artwork, walking..... etc.

The best way to find out which relaxation methods work best for you is to try them. Guided relaxation audio allows you to follow along and be guided through a relaxation technique. You may not feel any different at first, but by doing a relaxation technique you experience all the health benefits of relaxation!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

5 Ways to Deal With Anxiety (

Everyone has feelings of anxiety, nervousness, tension, and stress from time to time. Here are 5 ways to help manage them:
  1. Become a relaxation expert. We all think we know how to relax. But chilling out in front of the TV or computer isn't true relaxation. (Depending on what you're watching or doing, it could even make you more tense.) The same is true for alcohol, drugs, or tobacco. They may seem to relieve anxiety or stress, but it's a false state of relaxation that's only temporary. What the body really needs is a relaxation technique — like deep breathing, tai chi, or yoga — that has a physical effect on the mind. For example, deep breathing helps to relax a major nerve that runs from the diaphragm to the brain, sending a message to the entire body to let go and loosen up.
  2. Get enough sleep, nourishment, and exercise. Want your mind and body to feel peaceful and strong enough to handle life's ups and downs? Get the right amount of sleep for your needs — not too much or too little. Eat well: Choose fruit, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains for long-term energy (instead of the short bursts that come from too much sugar or caffeine). And exercise to send oxygen to every cell in the body so your brain and body can operate at their best.
  3. Connect with others. Spend time with friends or family. Organized activities are great, but just hanging out works too. Doing things with those we feel close to deepens our bonds, allowing us to feel supported and secure. And the fun and sharing that go with it allow us to feel happier and less upset about things. If you feel worried or nervous about something, talking about it with someone who listens and cares can help you feel more understood and better able to cope. You'll be reminded that everyone has these feelings sometimes. You're not alone.
  4. Connect with nature. Heading out for a walk in the park or a hike in the woods can help anyone feel peaceful and grounded. (Choose somewhere you feel safe so you can relax and enjoy your surroundings.) Walking, hiking, trail biking, or snowshoeing offer the additional benefit of exercise. Invite a friend or two — or a family member — along and enjoy feeling connected to people as well.
  5. Think positive. A great way to keep our minds off the worry track is to focus our thoughts on things that are good, beautiful, and positive. Allow yourself to dream, wish, and imagine the best that could happen.
Note: When anxiety or worry feels extreme, it may be a sign of an anxiety disorder. For someone who has an anxiety disorder, getting proper care from a health professional is important. These tips can help too, of course. But professional treatment is the only way to shake an anxiety disorder.

Reviewed by: D'Arcy Lyness, PhD
Date reviewed: October 2010

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Walking could be a useful tool in treating depression (BBC)

Something as simple as going for a brisk stroll could play an important role in fighting depression, according to researchers in Scotland.

Vigorous exercise has already been shown to alleviate symptoms of depression, but the effect of less strenuous activities was unclear.

A study in the journal Mental Health and Physical Activity showed walking had a "large effect" on depression.

One in 10 people may have depression at some point in their lives.

The condition can be treated with drugs, but exercise is commonly prescribed by doctors for mild symptoms.

Researchers at the University of Stirling scoured academic studies to find data on one of the mildest forms of exercise - walking.

They found eight studies, on a total of 341 patients, which fitted the bill.

The report's authors showed "walking was an effective intervention for depression" and had an effect similar to other more vigorous forms of exercise.

"The beauty of walking is that everybody does it” - Prof Adrian Taylor University of Exeter
They said: "Walking has the advantages of being easily undertaken by most people, incurring little or no financial cost and being relatively easy to incorporate into daily living."

However, they cautioned that much more research needed to be done. There are still questions over how long, how fast and whether walking should take place indoors or outdoors.

Prof Adrian Taylor, who studies the effects of exercise on depression, addiction and stress at the University of Exeter, told the BBC: "The beauty of walking is that everybody does it."

He added: "There are benefits for a mental-health condition like depression."

How any form of exercise helps with depression is unclear. Prof Taylor said there were ideas about exercise being a distraction from worries, giving a sense of control and releasing "feel-good" hormones.

The mental-health charity Mind said its own research found that spending time outdoors helped people's mental health.

Its chief executive, Paul Farmer, said: "To get the most from outdoor activities it's important to find a type of exercise you love and can stick at. Try different things, be it walking, cycling, gardening or even open-water swimming.

"Exercising with others can have even greater impact, as it provides an opportunity to strengthen social networks, talk through problems with others or simply laugh and enjoy a break from family and work. So ask a friend to join you."

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